As seen on

Announcing A New 2-3 Days Event for Aspiring Property Millionaires…
and how to secure your FREE Seat…
(Normal value $995)

How These Property Millionaires Built
Their Fortunes In Real Estate –
Starting From Scratch With No Special
Skills And Not Alot Of Spare Cash…

Plus: Why 9 out of 10 investors NEVER own more than two properties… How to break through the ceiling and climb the property ladder, even if you think you can’t.

Also… How to stop your property ‘bleeding’ you dry and put money back into your pocket!… How to avoid the great "superannuation hoax"… And more…

Dear Friend

Have you ever wondered why most ordinary investors fail to grow their portfolios beyond one or two properties…

While at the same time, elite property investors are able to create amazing wealth from real estate – even in flat or declining markets?

For example, wouldn’t you love to discover…

  • How an ordinary accountant went from zero to $10 million in property and retired by 31…
  • How a "no-hoper" who flunked high school went on to make $50 million from real estate…
  • How an ordinary worker renovated made $268,000 in 8 weeks and sold $6.3 million in property In her first 10 months"…
  • How an Aussie battler from Sydney’s western suburbs made $1.1 million in his first year of property investing…
  • How a former cruise ship worker’s company has developed over $1 billion in property and is able to profit in up and down markets…
  • And how a commission only salesman went from dead broke to building a $17 million property portfolio

What do these investors do that ordinary investors don’t? What’s the secret behind their success?

Well that’s the whole purpose behind a special 3 day event I am running called the "Property Millionaires Tour".

For 3 magical days, you will hear how these six super-successful property millionaires started from scratch and made their millions in real estate.

And you won’t just hear meaningless facts and figures like other events.

… Our experts speak from experience. They will reveal exactly what they did, how they did it, and why. You will be able to learn from their mistakes as well as their successes. Duplicate their results and avoid the pitfalls.You will walk away with true insider strategies and secrets. Hear their market analysis and predictions. See what they are doing in today’s market, not yesterdays.

What’s more, every area of property investing will be covered; not just one or two topics. You will discover their unique strategies for finding the best investments, developing, renovating, flipping, holding, property options and more.

And Your Cost? How’s “Free” Sound?

As you know, similar events can cost you upwards of $3,000 to attend. And few have the calibre of experts and vast array of topics you’ll discover at the “Property Millionaires Tour”.

However if you act now, you can claim a ticket to our event, absolutely free!

That’s right, free! (I’ll explain why in just a moment.)

There is just one condition. If you are interested, I urge you to act now.

Tickets for last year’s event ran out fast and we only have a limited number on hand. If you want to be one of the lucky few who attend, then I urge you to reserve your place now while we still have tickets on hand.

Who The Heck Am I Anyway?

In case you don’t know me, my name is Pat Mesiti.

Now I could tell you that:

  • I am an internationally renowned millionaire coach, author and speaker…
  • I have sold over 2 million copies of my books and training materials around the world…
  • And have helped create 5,000 millionaires from scratch, as well as helped many more create five and six figure incomes from their passions.

However let’s face it…

… You probably just want to know WHY the heck I am giving away tickets to the "Property Millionaires Tour" for free when really, I should be charging an arm and a leg for it.

The answer is quite simple.

Before I became a millionaire wealth coach (by the way, do you like that job title? I made it up cause it sounds cool), I worked with at-risk teens and young people. I did everything I could to help them to overcome with their troubles and create a successful life.

I eventually came to the realization that helping people was my life’s calling. To me, it was what I was put on this Earth to do.

Since that realization, I have dedicated my life to helping as many people as I can to overcome their fears and reach their full potential.

… More specifically, I have made it my life’s mission to create 10,000 millionaires before I die. Sounds like a reality TV show, I know, but I am proud to say that at last count, I am half way there (only 5,000 more millionaires to go).

My hope is that once I help you succeed, you will use your newfound wealth and influence to help me change the world and help others. Fair enough?

That’s why I decided to run the "Property Millionaires Tour" event, and why I am personally sponsoring it so you can attend for "free".

I Created The "Property Millionaires Tour"

For Two Important Reasons… Reason #1: Most

People "Lose Money" When They Invest In Property…

At last count, a whopping 1.8 million Australians reported to the ATO as owning an investment property.

Problem is most of them are stuffing it up! A survey by the Australian Bureau of Statistics for instance found:

  • 1 in 2 investors eventually failed and sold their properties within the first 5 years, and…
  • 9 out of 10 of those investors who stayed the distance, failed to own more than 2 properties…

The fact is many investors think property investment is a "Golden Goose" to an early retirement and a wealthy life, only to discover years down the track they have made no more than if they had invested in a high interest bank account.

Reason #2: Too Many People Are Fooled By The "Superannuation Hoax" And Retiring Into Poverty...

This leads me to the second reason for creating the "Property Millionaires Tour".

According to a study published in the SuperGuide online, as of June 2011, the average superannuation payouts for retirees were…

$250,000 for men, equating to an annual income of just $11,363

$145,000 for women, equating to an annual income of just $6,490.

And your superannuation has to last you an average of 22 years. If you think the above figures are small now, imagine what they’ll be worth in 22 years after inflation.

So how much superannuation do you really need to retire on?

Well if you wanted to retire on a comfortable income of $80,000 a year, you’d need roughly $1.23 million. This would be enough to cover your bills, Christmas presents for the grand kids and leave you a bit left over for travel.

During Last Year’s Event, I Was "Shocked" When Monique Took The Microphone From Me And Told Everyone How Lucky They Were To Be There…

( Luckily Someone Recorded it On Their iPhone! )

Since Then, We’ve Been Inundated With
"Thank You" Messages on Facebook, Email and
More… All Begging Us To Do It Again!

Can You Believe People Even Sent
Flowers To Our Office To Thank Us!

I Guess It Is Because Our Experts Don’t Just Talk
Facts and Figures, They Speak From Experience…
What They’ve Done and How They’ve Done It…

Here are some real life stories of people who have duplicated Stephen Tolle’s success…

Here’s a couple of before and after shots from some of Cherie Barber’s reno students…

And that’s not all. André Knott’s company has helped 825 of their best students develop over 2,000 properties and make $200 million in profit. Here are just a couple of examples.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. The fact is we can't mention many of their successful students and clients because they are fiercely protective of their privacy.

This Year’s Event Will Be Filled With
One Of The Largest Cross-Sections Of Property
Geniuses You Will Ever Meet

The idea for the "Property Millionaires Tour" came when I discovered there wasn’t a single seminar or training event I could find that covered all areas of property investment.

… That’s why you get insights into topics such as renovating, developing, flipping, vendor finance, property options, negative gearing, positive gearing and more…

As far as I know, no other event comes close to covering the array of topics and strategies that we do.

This means you can decide which strategies are best suited for your situation and walk away with a number of different ideas on how to maximize your cash flow and growth.

Here’s a sneak peak of what you’ll discover when you join us.

Property Millionaire #1

Sky News Channel’s, Chris Gray…

"How An Ordinary Accountant Went From
Zero To $10 Million Worth Of Property And Retired By 31"

If you have ever wondered how you can find great investment properties and squeeze more cash flow from them, you’ll absolutely love Chris Gray’s presentation.

Chris wasn’t always a handsome TV presenter.

He actually started life in the UK as an ordinary accountant.

He saved up enough money to buy his first property at 22.

He looked at buying a single bedroom apartment at first, which was about all he could afford at that time.

However, he worked out that if he bought a three bedroom apartment and rented out two rooms to friends, the rent would pay for his mortgage and he could essentially live in his property for "free".

He moved to Australia shortly after and continued investing in property.

  • By age 31, Chris had managed to grow his initial $35,000 deposit into a $3.5 million property portfolio and was making $600,000 a year from his investments. That’s when he decided to turf his accounting job and retire.
  • Word of his success got out and he was soon inundated with pleas of help from other investors. This lead to him becoming one of Sydney’s most in-demand buyer’s agents, where he finds and negotiates great investment deals on behalf of other investors.
  • Chris now buys between 75 to 100 properties a year and oversees around $5 million in renovations on behalf of his clients.
  • His phenomenal success has seen him become the host of "Your Property Empire" on the Sky News Channel and make guest appearances on a number of other TV shows and publications.
  • While Chris rarely does public speaking engagements, he regularly runs training sessions for the big corporates such as the National Australia Bank, St George Bank, Westpac, CBA, the Australian Chamber of Commerce, CPA Australia and more.

At the "Property Millionaires Tour", Chris will reveal how to develop your property investing strategy and why renting your home may surprisingly be better than buying it.

He will also explain how to get cash flow from negative geared property as well as killer ideas for reducing your risk when investing. Plus how to find great investment properties including what, where and when to buy.

He will also touch on renovating for profit, including how to ensure you never over or under capitalize your investments, renovating tips that add maximum value to your properties and more.

Property Millionaire #2

Money Queen, Janet Xuccoa

"Protection Strategies – the ROOF for your long term financial success"

Janet is a Partner at Gilligan Rowe & Associates LP where she leads the Professional Trustee division of the Practice, assisting clients in various matters that confront them, including the operation of the Trusts and Companies they are involved with. Apart from this role, she spearheads GRA Money School and Business School and GRA Vibe and is instrumental in marketing for the firm. Over the years, Janet has written numerous articles for different publications including the New Zealand Property magazine, the Investor magazine, Verve magazine, Essentially Home magazine and Business to Business Newspaper. She also contributes articles to a number of prominent websites and electronic newsletters. Writing milestones in her life are the best-selling books Family Trusts 101, published in July 2010 and Money Secrets 101, published in February 2012. Janet holds degrees in accounting and law and is a renowned author and speaker on money and trustee matters. In 2012 she completed over 100 presentations throughout New Zealand. She puts her knowledge and skills to work by presenting in a warm and friendly manner, mixing experience and humour to make her point and entertain. When not working she enjoys keeping fit, travelling, scuba diving, antiques, art and crime movies.

Janet will cover following in her presentation:

  • Where our economy is heading - the good, bad and downright ugly
  • How to avoid the property traps that will bring for some this year
  • Approaches to implement to see you capitalise on the 2014 year given economic predictions
  • Steps to take to get ahead in property
  • Ways to make debt pay effectively and efficiently
  • How to use the right and legal structure to protect your business, your life and your family
  • Ways to be smart with property tax
  • And much more...

Property Millionaire #3

Australia’s Reno Queen, Cherie Barber…

"How An Ordinary Worker Made $268,000 In 8 Weeks
And Sold $6.3 Million In Property In 10 Months"

If you were ever inspired to try your hand at renovating after watching shows like "The Block", then you absolutely cannot miss Cherie Barber's presentation at our event.

Before Cherie became Australia's 'Renovation Queen' she was just an ordinary office worker.

  • She managed to save enough to purchase a rundown property in her neighbourhood and spent her weekends renovating it. She made $268,000 profit from that same investment 8 weeks later.
  • That's when she quit her job and went into renovating fulltime. She managed to continue her success by renovating and selling 6 houses worth a total of $6.3 million — with no stable income, no job and little money behind her.
  • Since then, Cherie has been involved in hundreds of successful renovations.

For example:


  • Nowadays, Cherie is known as Australia"s "Reno" queen. She is also the star of Channel 10′s hit show, The Living Room.
  • And she is famous for adding over $100,000 to the value of an apartment in 7 days on national T.V.

Here are the before and after pictures from that renovation:


At the "Property Millionaires Tour", Cherie will reveal the exact steps she followed to achieve this lightning success including how to start growing your wealth doing renovations with other people"s money.

She will also reveal how to source "hot" properties with great renovation potential and avoid the "turkeys" that will burn a hole in your pocket..

Plus how she added $268,000 value to a property in just 8 weeks while holding down a full-time job, and how you can do the same. And much more.

Property Millionaire #4

Self Made Property Millionaire, Stephen Tolle

"How An Aussie Battler From Sydney’s Western Suburbs
Made $1.1 Million In His First Year Of Property Investing"

From humble beginnings growing up in a typical Aussie battler family in Blacktown in Sydney’s outer west, Stephen invested in his first property at the age of 22.

A friend of his father’s had told him about a strategy he was using to make money in real estate and encouraged Steve to buy in a particular development.

Steve followed his advice and bought a property, although he admits he had no clue what his actual strategy was at the time.

Now a wiser and more experienced investor, Steve realizes what he had done was leverage a strategy known as "price controlled sub-divisions", where developers release the first stages of a development at a low cost to get people in, then incrementally increase the price of each stage to send values soaring.

Despite his naivety, Steve walked away with a cool $25,000 in profit in just two months, which back then was more than he was making a year. That’s when he decided to throw it all in and pursue property full-time.

  • One thing Stephen’s father taught him was a strong work ethic and he used these lessons to purchase $6.5 million in property and make a cool $1.1 million in his first year of full-time investing.
  • Stephen has since made over $1 million a year from his investments (12 years in a row) in different market conditions, and taken part in over $48 million worth of property transactions.
  • He has featured extensively in the media, including personal appearances on A Current Affair and more than 20 appearances on Channel’ 7′s Today Tonight.
  • He has also been featured in several best-selling books, including the internationally renowned Mr Millionaire, Property Millionaire, Think and Grow Rich In Property and Think and Grow Rich Cashflow.

At the "Property Millionaires Tour" Stephen will reveal how to replace your current income with passive income from property and retire on $100,000+ per year.

He will also reveal how to find overlooked growth areas other investors miss, and how to invest in these areas with no deposit or stamp duty. Plus the No. 1 thing you must do to grow wealthy from property in a stagnant or falling market…

Property Millionaire #5

Property Development Millionaire, André Knott…

"How A Former Cruise Ship Worker’s Company Has Developed Over $1 Billion In Property And Is Able To Profit In Up And Down Markets"

Most people understand that property development is where the big money is in real estate. The problem is they don't have the knowledge to do it.

That's why I am proud to bring André Knott to our “Property Millionaires Tour”. André started his investment journey in the stock market during his early 20s and lost everything but the shirt off his back.

He decided to switch to real estate because he saw it as a much safer investment and with only $120 to his name, took a job as an art auctioneer on a cruise ship overseas.

He spent the next decade or so travelling the world (he has visited around 140 countries) and invested as much money as he could into property as he worked. His international exposure and commitment to investing saw him create a multi-million dollar portfolio of overseas property as he worked.

When he returned back to Australia, he turned his hand to property development and his company has achieved even greater success. Here are the facts.

  • André's company has been involved in over $1 billion (that's billion with a "b") worth of property development, ranging from simple joint venture deals with land owners to large sub division projects.
  • His company has developed 980 properties in most states in Australia and constantly has between $60 to $100 million worth of projects in the pipeline at any one time. These projects include townhouses, apartments, units, large sub-divisions and aged care facilities.
  • Because of his property development expertise, his company regularly contributes to the Australian Property Investor (API) magazine, and has been featured extensively throughout the media including Sky Business News.
  • His company also helps educate others in the art of property development. Over the last 5 years, 800 of his students have gone on to develop over 2000 properties and make $200 million in profits.

Some recent projects completed by André’s company includes:

Property development gives investors many advantages; most attractive of all is that high returns are very achievable in relatively short periods of time.

At the "Property Millionaires Tour", Andre will reveal a strategy you can use to build a $2.2 million property portfolio with $100,000 positive cash flow in just 4.5 years through property development. This is the same strategy that 800 of his students have used to develop over 2,000 properties and make $200 million in profits during the past 5 years.

He will also reveal the four major pitfalls newbies make in property development. Plus six key steps to any successful development project.

By the way, in case you think property development may be out of your league, Andre will also share three creative joint venture strategies that anyone can use to develop property with little to no money down and make attractive quick turn profits.

Property Millionaire #6

Underground Investor, Rowan Burn…

"How A Commission Only Salesman Went From Dead Broke To Building A $17 Million Property Portfolio"

If you've ever wished you could own an investment property without all the headaches of managing tenants, then you cannot miss Rowan Burn's presentation at our event.

Rowan has a story that embodies both resilience and determination. As a someone suffering from dyslexic, Rowan dropped out of school at the age of 15 and grew up in the troubled streets of England.

With an urge to escape the drugs, crime, and uncertainty that surrounded him, he left to find a better opportunity, and migrated to Holland, without his family, until he was 18 years old.

He later moved to Australia where he felt a burning desire to want more in life and a proper meaning for his future.

After attending his first property seminar, he bought his initial property in 2001. But with just a 'commission only' sales job, he quickly fell into debt, owing the bank over $34,000. Bankruptcy was imminent.

Not coming from a family of money, he was forced to borrow funds from friends and used his father's last $2,000 credit card balance to help him get by.

Thankfully he managed to avoid financial ruin, however the impact of that situation was so dramatic, it led him to apply himself to grow and find a better way.

  • Rowan has since gone from being $34,000 in debt to building a $17 million property portfolio.
  • Today he runs a successful property investment company and has helped secure over $250 million of premium property for his clients.
  • He has spent hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars educating himself on human behaviour and wealth psychology. He currently dedicates his life to teaching others how to tap into their higher potential and achieve financial results.

At the "Property Millionaires Tour", Rowan will reveal exactly how he built his $17 million property portfolio from scratch including what he did and how. He will also share an ingenious property investing strategy that allows you to buy high growth potential property with no money today and nothing to pay for up to 5 years.

Property Millionaire #7

Alice and Caleb from “The Block NZ Season Two”

How A Young Married Couple Made $181,000 Profit on National TV From A 10 Week Renovation"

Auckland husband and wife team Alice and Caleb Pearson were crowned the series winners of The Block NZ Season Two in 2013.

Alice, a youth worker, and Caleb, a project manager, both 27 years old, were the most experienced DIY-ers of all the four teams, having already completed three renovations on tight budgets.

The couple's house sold for $1,126,000, which was $181,000 over the reserve price. Under the rules of the competition, the winners keep the profit over the reserve and take home an additional $80,000 cash prize.

Working on a muddy North Shore construction site, the teams turned tired, old houses into top-quality family homes over 10 weeks.

  • They made at least $115,000 more in profit than any other team on the season
  • Sold their renovated house for $1,126,000
  • And walked away with a cool $261,000 at the end…

Well I'm excited to say Alice and Caleb will be joining us at this year's 'Property Millionaires Tour' to show you how they did it.

They will be sharing their knowledge on their renovation success, including the importance of project management and pushing design boundaries.

They will be sharing the biggest lessons they learnt on the show from the judges, other couples and each other.

Well here's a RARE chance to discover how and learn from our other amazing experts at the same time.

Bonus Session

Millionaire Wealth Coach, Pat Mesiti

How To Create A Wealth "Mindset" And Succeed in Property

As I’ve mentioned, I’ve made it my life’s mission to create 10,000 millionaires before I die. And at last count, I am already half way to achieving my goal (only 5,000 more millionaires to go).

How do I do it? Well there are two parts to my plan.

The first part is to provide you "access" to the people I know can deliver you the results. That’s why I hold events like the "Property Millionaires Tour" and why I sponsor them so you can attend free.

The second part of my plan is to help you develop the right "mindset".

Just like professional athletes have a different "mindset" to their sports than amateurs, successful investors and business people have a different "mindset" towards money than other people.

Your mindset ultimately controls your behaviour, and your behaviour controls your results. That’s why some people always seem to succeed while others fail.

During this bonus session, I promise to reveal:

  • The greatest real estate investment ever made, including how to become a millionaire from the inside out.
  • Time honoured laws of money. Why some people get rich and others remain broke.
  • How some investors thrive even in down markets. And why others struggle and land on their wallet, rather than their feet.
  • What to do when you don’t know what to do? Financial pathways that lead to the outcomes you’re looking for.
  • How to turn pain into gain. Plus how to cultivate winning habits and get back on track.
  • How your relationship with money affects your wealth. Along with how to use your "money story".
  • And countless more strategies for a better and wealthier life…

And The Experts Aren’t Just On Stage – Some Of The Smartest People In The Room Could Be Sitting Right Next To You!

Last year, as I milled around the room speaking to attendees, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that while some were new to property investing, many had already amassed multi-million dollar portfolios.

Some of the experiences they shared with other attendees were almost as valuable as those from our property experts.

Just think how much more successful you could be in property investing when you are able to network with underground experts like this?

Actual pictures from last year’s event!

Plus We Are Giving Away A $10,000 Property Grant Every Day – Just Imagine If YOU Won!

Each and every day, we will be giving one lucky attendee a $10,000 property grant to go towards an investment property. That’s $10,000 in capital – free.

To qualify, all you need to do is register for our event and be in the audience on the day. If you’re lucky, your name could be the one we draw from the hat.

Think how long most investors have to wait before they see $10,000 worth of capital growth in their properties.

OK, Let’s Get Serious Again…

If you are tired of pouring your hard earned money into an investment property that may take several years to grow.

… If you are you are struggling to grow your portfolio any further because you have reached your lending limit and are scratching your head thinking about your next move.

… If you lose sleep every time the reserve banks talks about interest rate rises, or stress out whenever you think about the huge debts you are carrying.

Just remember, it's not like that for the property millionaires at our event.

They don't work to support their portfolios. They've worked out how to make their portfolios work for them.

They don't sit back and wait for growth to happen. They manufacture it using strategies like renovating, property development and more.

And they definitely don't fork out money each week to keep their portfolios going. In fact, the income they get from their properties has allowed them to quit their old 9 to 5 jobs and enjoy luxuries that most people only dream of.

I can't guarantee you'll replicate their results. But once you learn how they've achieved their success, I am confident you will enjoy a real advantage over other investors and dramatically increase your chances of success.

That's why I invite you to join me at the"Property Millionaires Tour" and why I seriously urge you to claim your free ticket right now before they run out.

You have to options to join us.

Join Us At The Event, Free!

As you know, similar events can cost you upwards of $3,000 to attend. And few have the calibre of experts and vast array of topics you'll discover at the "Property Millionaires Tour".

However if you act now, you can claim a ticket to our event, absolutely free! That's right, free!

I am doing this because, once again, I have made it my life's mission to create 10,000 millionaires before I die. My hope is that once I help you succeed, you will use your newfound wealth and influence to help me change the world and help others. Fair enough?

Just Remember, We Only Have Limited Seats Available… So Please Hurry!

Just remember we only have a limited number of seats available. And once they are gone, they will be gone for good.

Tickets for last year’s event ran out fast. So if you want to be one of the lucky few who attend, then I urge you to reserve your place now while we still have tickets on hand.

So I Guess This Brings Us To The Final Crescendo
– Your Decision To Join Us Or Not.

When you look at successful people in any field – sport, entertainment, business, property investing – you'll find the difference between them and those who didn't quite make it came down to "massive action".

Those that succeeded took it; those that didn't always put it off.

… And this is why, if you've ever read any of my books or participated in any of my training, you'll know that I am a BIG believer in taking "massive action".

If you look back to what you've achieved in the last ten years, chances are that is all you'll achieve in the next ten years – unless you take "massive action" to change it now.

Here's your chance. I've done everything I can to help you succeed.

Now the rest is up to YOU!

Click the reservation links below to reserve your seat right now.

Get the vital information you need to potentially set your family up for life and leave behind a financial legacy for your kids and grandkids.


Dmitri Stern


PS. Once again remember, there are only a limited number of seats available. If you are interested in joining us, I urge you to act today to reserve your place. If last year's event is any indication, tickets will be snapped up very quickly.


Property Millionaires Tour
Registration Form

Yes! I want to attend
Property Millionaires Tour


Please Note: Some speakers may vary for the Auckland Event

DISCLAIMER: Speakers are subject to change without notice, and may not appear in all cities.

Conditions apply. The information contained in this page ("the information") is presented for illustrative and educational purposes only. It is not presented nor should it be treated as real estate advice, legal advice, investment advice, financial advice or tax advice. All investments involves risk and potential loss of money. If you require advice in any of these fields we urge you to contact a suitably qualified professional to assist and advise you. Your personal individual financial circumstances must be taken into account before you make any investment decision. We urge you to do this in conjunction with a suitably qualified professional. Outstanding Results Co Ltd, its presenter(s), its authorised distributors and licensees, their employees and speakers do not guarantee your past, present or future investment results whether based on this information or otherwise. The information supplied in print and online is accurate at the time of press but is always subject to alteration without notice.

Outstanding Results Co Ltd and its authorised distributors, licensees, associates and employees may hold shares and/or obtain fees and/or other benefits from the companies presented and promoted in print and online and/or in the described materials. All reasonable care has been taken in preparation of this document. To the best of our knowledge no relevant information has been omitted. However, Outstanding Results Co Ltd and its affiliated companies disclaim all liability should any information or matter in this document differ. Outstanding Results Co Ltd disclaims all liability for clients' purchase decisions. Photographs are illustrative only. Names in testimonials may have been changed to preserve client privacy.